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How are you holding up? Sigh...It's been an unpredictable year. So much to navigate, politically, much to process.
Too much really.
Challenges bring out the best and worst in people, and although it's been tough, we're trying really hard at making the best of things. Luckily, it's when we collectively put our minds together, we've always had the ability to come up with the best solutions that work for us.
After holding our breath those first few months of the pandemic, we've managed to exhale a bit.
We're in LOVE with working on James St N!
This beautiful space inspires us...the light, having everything in one spot, working collectively as designers, collaborating with other businesses in the neighborhood, and seeing our wonderful customers daily, it's been busy!!
Our website has done wonders for us.
Thanks to a bit of a leg up, we've managed to get it up and running, updated daily, and getting our customers to make the transition to shopping with us online.
It's been incredible how supportive you've all been to us.
Running a small business is challenging in the best of times...we wouldn't have gotten through these months without being propped up by the incredible people in this city.
Here's to better days, family times, good friends, live music, art exhibits, fashion shows, festivals, travel, dining out, good health, shared experiences.
In the meantime, let's continue to take care of each other, share what we've got, fight for those who can't, be mindful and thoughtful, call in not call out, slow down & day dream, wash our hands and wear a mask!
Happy Holidays
Love Lynn & Kerry xx